New and old works of art WATANABE

New and old works of art WATANABE
[Early modern writings/Old paintings & writings/Contemporary art]
〒 605-0082
236-7 Shinmonzen-dori Hanamikoji Minami Nishi-kado
Nakanomachi, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto 605-0082, Japan
- :075-532-1231
- :075-532-1238
- 営業時間
- :10:00~18:00
- 定休日
- : Open Seven Days a Week (except mid-August (Bon) and New Year holidays)
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From paintings in the Edo period (literati paintings, Shijo Maruyama school, and so forth) to modern Japanese paintings and Eastern-style paintings (Tomioka Tessai, Kumagai Moriichi, etc.) We deal with writings and paintings of Zen Buddhism (Rinzai, Sodo, and Obaku), Nichiren sect, Jodo Shin sect, Jodo sect and other sects, autographs of modern writers (Natsume Soseki, etc.), Chinese paintings, and modern sculptures.